Friday, November 11, 2011

My 1st Half Marathon

Let me first say that I don't like running...

But that being said, I ran my first half marathon this past Sunday, 11/6.  It was the US Half Marathon ( here in San Francisco.  Not sure why I thought running 13.1 miles was a good idea at the time, but a year ago I made a pledge to make some changes in my life.  One was to get back into  shape but I didn't think that just promising to go to the gym was enough.  So I set a goal of running the Bay to Breakers AND a half marathon within a year.  Well now I can say Mission Accomplished!

I ran the Bay to Breakers (7.46 miles) in 1:29, which wasn't bad considering the only training I did was to run 3 miles FOUR days before the race!  Like I said, I don't like to run, but I was working out about 3 days a week so I was in pretty good shape.  My time could've been a little better but my left knee started killing me once I got into Golden Gate Park.  But I made it to the finish, sore knee & all.

For the half marathon, I decided that a good way to train was to start playing pick-up soccer.  I was playing 3x's a week & I made the most of it.  I made sure to run as much as possible during the games.  All the running back & forth definitely helped with my endurance & stamina.  But since I didn't like actual running, I maybe logged a total of 13 miles in training for the half marathon.

But I was still working out 2 - 3x's a week & I was pretty fit come race day.  My goal was to finish with the hope of maybe finishing under 2:30 but since I had never run more than 7.46 miles I wasn't sure what kind of time to expect.  I had a pretty good pace to begin with & made it up the first hill at the 3 mile mark (Warming Hut) without any issues.  The next hill a mile later was tough but I made it to the top without stopping.  But a half mile later was another hill & about 3/4 of the way up I had to walk to the top.

Once at the top, I had to cross the Golden Gate Bridge.  Things were going fine until we hit a few bottlenecks on the bridge.  We had to deal with the runners coming back across the bridge & that cost me almost 10 minutes.  What also didn't help was the fact that I started cramping up (my right hammy & both my calves).  It wasn't that serious so I was able to soldier on.

The final hill was a straight climb for half a mile to Mile 7, from there it was all downhill & smooth sailing, or so I thought.  Around the 9.5 mile marker I started cramping up again & walked to stretch it out.  I made it another mile before the cramping came up again.  From there on out I had to walk/run to the finish line.  This sucked because I really wanted to finish strong.  I was able to cross the finish line running but I was in pain.  My endurance & stamina wasn't an issue, as I felt I could've kept on running but my legs wouldn't let me.

I had a great experience for my 1st half marathon & am looking forward to the other half marathon in April so I can get a complete medal.  Will I be doing half marathons on a regular basis?  Probably not as I don't like the idea of running for 2+ hours straight.  But I wouldn't mind doing some 5K's & 10K's as I know I'll be done within an hour.

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