Friday, November 11, 2011

100 Up Challenge

Today is Day 1 of the 100 Up Challenge (  The challenge is to march in place 100x's (minor) & when you've mastered that, jog in place 100x's (major) each day for 30 days straight.  Now when I say jog in place, you actually have to do it with proper form.  It's more like doing "high knees" while being sure to land on the balls of your foot.  Oh, I forgot to mention that you need to do this BAREFOOT!

For a video of how to do it:

I'll be blogging about how my progress is going between now & Day 30.  By the end of Day 30 I hope to have better running form & being more comfortable running barefoot.

1 comment:

  1. DAY 1 - Did 100 minors followed by 100 majors. Was planning on doing them as soon as I woke up but I was too lazy. Anyways, my form felt good & I did feel a little winded after I was done. Looking forward to Day 2.
