Thursday, October 2, 2014

Sunday, July 27, 2014

Monday, July 7, 2014

Happy 1st Birthday e-NABLE!

Happy 1st Birthday to e-Nable!  We are an online community of volunteers that are:

-making 3D printed prosthetic hands for those with limb differences
-helping to connect those in need with the makers of these devices
-helping to spread the word about the awesome group
-as well as a providing information & support to those that need it

So proud to be a part of this group!

Friday, November 11, 2011

100 Up Challenge

Today is Day 1 of the 100 Up Challenge (  The challenge is to march in place 100x's (minor) & when you've mastered that, jog in place 100x's (major) each day for 30 days straight.  Now when I say jog in place, you actually have to do it with proper form.  It's more like doing "high knees" while being sure to land on the balls of your foot.  Oh, I forgot to mention that you need to do this BAREFOOT!

For a video of how to do it:

I'll be blogging about how my progress is going between now & Day 30.  By the end of Day 30 I hope to have better running form & being more comfortable running barefoot.

My 1st Half Marathon

Let me first say that I don't like running...

But that being said, I ran my first half marathon this past Sunday, 11/6.  It was the US Half Marathon ( here in San Francisco.  Not sure why I thought running 13.1 miles was a good idea at the time, but a year ago I made a pledge to make some changes in my life.  One was to get back into  shape but I didn't think that just promising to go to the gym was enough.  So I set a goal of running the Bay to Breakers AND a half marathon within a year.  Well now I can say Mission Accomplished!

I ran the Bay to Breakers (7.46 miles) in 1:29, which wasn't bad considering the only training I did was to run 3 miles FOUR days before the race!  Like I said, I don't like to run, but I was working out about 3 days a week so I was in pretty good shape.  My time could've been a little better but my left knee started killing me once I got into Golden Gate Park.  But I made it to the finish, sore knee & all.

For the half marathon, I decided that a good way to train was to start playing pick-up soccer.  I was playing 3x's a week & I made the most of it.  I made sure to run as much as possible during the games.  All the running back & forth definitely helped with my endurance & stamina.  But since I didn't like actual running, I maybe logged a total of 13 miles in training for the half marathon.

But I was still working out 2 - 3x's a week & I was pretty fit come race day.  My goal was to finish with the hope of maybe finishing under 2:30 but since I had never run more than 7.46 miles I wasn't sure what kind of time to expect.  I had a pretty good pace to begin with & made it up the first hill at the 3 mile mark (Warming Hut) without any issues.  The next hill a mile later was tough but I made it to the top without stopping.  But a half mile later was another hill & about 3/4 of the way up I had to walk to the top.

Once at the top, I had to cross the Golden Gate Bridge.  Things were going fine until we hit a few bottlenecks on the bridge.  We had to deal with the runners coming back across the bridge & that cost me almost 10 minutes.  What also didn't help was the fact that I started cramping up (my right hammy & both my calves).  It wasn't that serious so I was able to soldier on.

The final hill was a straight climb for half a mile to Mile 7, from there it was all downhill & smooth sailing, or so I thought.  Around the 9.5 mile marker I started cramping up again & walked to stretch it out.  I made it another mile before the cramping came up again.  From there on out I had to walk/run to the finish line.  This sucked because I really wanted to finish strong.  I was able to cross the finish line running but I was in pain.  My endurance & stamina wasn't an issue, as I felt I could've kept on running but my legs wouldn't let me.

I had a great experience for my 1st half marathon & am looking forward to the other half marathon in April so I can get a complete medal.  Will I be doing half marathons on a regular basis?  Probably not as I don't like the idea of running for 2+ hours straight.  But I wouldn't mind doing some 5K's & 10K's as I know I'll be done within an hour.